Community Cybersecurity

Community Cybersecurity

Emerging Technologies Speaker Series presents:

Community Cybersecurity

March 23, 2021 • 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm EDT

This webinar will provide a local, regional, and global review of cybersecurity risks for businesses and the community.

The WindsorEssex Economic Development Corporation (WE EDC) in partnership with Libro Credit Union invite businesses and entrepreneurs to join us on Tuesday, March 23, 2021 to take part in a community focused webinar on Cybersecurity. This webinar has been designed to provide a local, regional, and global review of how the problems solved by new technologies and the internet of things can create new security risks and complexity for business and the community.

Particularly now as we navigate the “new normal” brought about by COVID-19, the global pandemic has shifted the way we do business and opened the doors for greater reliance on technology platforms to effectively carry out our day-to-day interactions. Expanding how we do business will require us to build stronger security systems.

Participants in this program will experience world-class speakers on the topic of cybersecurity will cover a broad range of information from the necessary technologies to global trends.


1:00 pm

  • Welcome by Lee McGrath, Director, Business Retention and Expansion, WindsorEssexEconomic Development Corporation
  • Introduction and update from Connecting WindsorEssex by Dan Circelli, President and CEO, Connecting WindsorEssex

1:15 pm Local Cybersecurity


With the number of data breaches rapidly growing, protecting your business’s sensitive information is more important than ever to gain your customer’s trust. While focusing on small-to-medium sized businesses, subject matter experts from Libro Credit Union will provide insight to the most important aspects you need to consider, to minimize the financial impact a data breach can have on your business.

ABOUT LIBRO: Libro Credit Union’s history surpasses 75 years and is the largest credit union in southwestern Ontario. As a financial co-operative, Libro supports communities across southwestern Ontario with quality service and a full range of financial products.

  • Speaker: Mark Kroll, Senior Information Technology Manager, Libro Credit Union
  • Speaker: Gaurav Kulkarni, IT Security Analyst, Libro Credit Union

1:55 pm Regional Cybersecurity


  • Introduction by: Marion Fantetti, Business Ombudsman – Business Retention and Expansion, WindsorEssex Economic Development Corporation
  • Speaker: Deborah Clark-Forster, Senior Account Executive, Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade


  • Speaker: Frank Abbruzzese, CEO and President, AlphaKOR

2:35 pm Global Cybersecurity

  • Introduction by: Dr. Bharat Maheshwari, Founder Future Lab, Faculty Member Odette School of Business, University of Windsor
  • Speaker: Yatin Chaudhary, Senior Vice President, Cyber Security Services, APAC
  • Speaker: Sameer Maheshwari, Director, Consulting, Africa, India and Middle East

3:15 pm

  • Closing Remarks by Lee McGrath, Director, Business Retention and Expansion, WindsorEssex Economic Development Corporation


Dan Circelli
President and CEO, Connecting WindsorEssex

Dan Circelli is the President and CEO of Connecting Windsor-Essex(CW-E). Founded over 25 years ago, CW-E, along with collaborative partnerships, provides world-class connectivity and technological innovation for its public sector stakeholders in Windsor-Essex.

In 2011, Windsor-Essex secured its place amongst Intelligent Communities around the world. Intelligent communities strive to align agencies and organizations to collaborate on efforts that align with six key indicators.  The first of the six indicators is broadband.

Dan is proud of the roles he has played in CW-E that have helped to attract over $150M of broadband investment for Windsor-Essex, since 2016.  The next challenges for CW-E are to support the ability to leverage the investments, and protect what we connect.


Mark Kroll
Senior Information Technology Manager, Libro Credit Union

Mark Kroll is the Senior Manager of IT Operations and Security at Libro Credit Union, where he is well-known for his seasoned communication skills and pragmatic approach to solving complex problems.  

Mark is proud to have worked at Libro for 17 years, in several roles throughout the organization. He thrives in a collaborative environment and is passionate about helping customer-Owners and businesses address their security concerns. Mark is an Honours graduate of the Systems Technology Program at Fanshawe College in London.

Gaurav Kulkarni
IT Security Analyst, Libro Credit Union

Gaurav Kulkarni is the IT Security Analyst at Libro Credit Union. He believes that communication, attention to detail, and analytical skills are fundamental blocks of an IT Analyst. Over the last 5 years, Gaurav’s passion for cybersecurity has grown from his experiences at various IT companies before joining Libro in 2019. Gaurav leverages his knowledge and experience with a master’s degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering with a specialization in computer networks from Concordia University in Montreal.


Deborah (Deb) Clark-Forster
Senior Account Executive, Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade

As a Senior Account Executive with the Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade. Deborah (Deb) Clark-Forster has a passion for growing the burgeoning cybersecurity sector in Ontario, Canada. Deb is driven to accelerate market development for domestic companies while helping international firms expand and prosper in one of the world’s most dynamic cybersecurity hubs.     

With over two decades of experience, Deb has developed inimitable expertise in client engagement and stakeholder relations within the investment and trade space. Her acute knowledge of the digital economy has earned her a stellar reputation as one of the leading cybersecurity champions in the province. 

She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from York University and a certificate in Economic Development from the University of Waterloo.

Frank Abbruzzese
CEO and President, AlphaKOR

Frank Abbruzzese, CEO and President of AlphaKOR, your Technology Partner helping organizations run their operations safe and securely for 25 years. Married to the lovely Carmela for 27 years and two beautiful daughters Haley and Syd.

Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) Degree from the University of Windsor. 32 years in the Technology & Innovation Sector building long-term business relationships for companies and organizations of all sizes. 

Enjoys connecting others, creating opportunities for everyone and having good discussions with like-minded people!


Yatin Chaudhary
Senior Vice President, Cyber Security Services, APAC

Yatin has approximate 17 years of experience in cyber & information security, technology risk management, outsourcing governance, IT auditing, and technology regulatory compliance, predominantly in banking & financial services industry and one of the ‘Big 4’ audit firms, with APAC, UK & North America clients. Strong understanding of IT control environment (COSO, COBIT) and cyber security (NIST, MITRE) frameworks, risk & control assessment (RCA), audit methodology, regulatory cyber/technology compliance (e.g. CCCS, CSA, FFIEC, FSA, HKMA, MAS, PIPEDA). Yatin holds a Master of Technology (M.Tech) degree and had international engagements with Citi, Deloitte and EXL in his professional career.

Sameer Maheshwari
Director, Consulting, Africa, India and Middle East (AIM)

Sameer Maheshwari is a Chartered Accountant and SAP certified consultant. He has 18+ years of experience of helping client organizations set up robust control environment to safeguard assets, data governance and IT systems, to comply with regulatory and management requirements for cyber-security, data privacy, system authorizations, internal controls, Anti-money laundering, statutory audit etc. He has worked across multiple domains covering financial sector, manufacturing, agri-trading, retail, oil and gas etc. across India, US, UK and Canada. He has worked with EY, Deloitte, EXL and Wipro in his professional career.




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