About Invest WindsorEssex

About Invest WindsorEssex

About Invest WindsorEssex

Invest WindsorEssex is a not-for-profit organization supported by the Town of Amherstburg, Town of Essex, Town of Kingsville, Town of Lakeshore, Town of LaSalle, Municipality of Leamington, Pelee Island, Town of Tecumseh, and the City of Windsor. It is responsible for advancing economic development to grow and sustain prosperity in the region. The focus of the organization is to develop and execute strategies to retain, expand, attract and help new businesses start up in the Windsor-Essex region. Invest WindsorEssex is led by a board of distinguished community leaders. A team of professional staff will assist you with all your location and investment decisions by working one-on-one with businesses, to facilitate the process of starting, growing or locating in Windsor-Essex.




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