October 13. 2021 – Conference Agenda

October 13. 2021 – Conference Agenda

8:30am – Welcome

  • Stephen MacKenzie, President & CEO, Invest WindsorEssex
  • Mayor Drew Dilkens, City of Windsor
  • Warden Gary McNamara, County of Essex

8:40am – Opening

  • Wendy Stark, Director of Business Retention & Expansion, Invest WindsorEssex
  • Rob Whent and Vladimir Franjo, NRC-IRAP

8:50am – Introduction to First Speaker

  • Introduction: Jeanine Lassaline-Berglund, President, Automate Canada

9:00am – First Speaker

  • Speaker: Christy Michalak, Director, Advanced Manufacturing Development Programs, NGen

Negotiating the Waves of Change

Canada has a long history of innovation across many sectors and we place amongst the world’s leaders in technologies such as artificial intelligence and robotics – in fact we’re well positioned to be leaders in industry 4.0 and beyond.  But as the world rides through waves of massive change, how do we turn the turmoil into opportunity?   Our presenter will walk us through some of the best practices employed by companies who have continued to innovate and thrive throughout the pandemic.



  • Speakers:
    • Sem Ponnambalam, Xahive
    • AJ Khan and Deepan Dhingra, Vehiqilla
  • Moderator: Philipp Kornitzky, Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade


  • Speakers:
    • Niclas Sjöstrand, General Manager, ABB Robotics Canada
    • Ben Huigenbos, BOS Innovations
  • Moderator: Shelley Fellows, Automate Canada


  • Speakers:
    • Mo Abuali, IoTco
    • Ryan Scott, Tessonics
    • Scott Robinet, Voltaric
  • Moderator: Vladamir Franjo, NRC-IRAP


  • Speakers:
    • Harold Dumur, OVA
    • Sean Graglia, Microsoft
  • Moderator: Andreas Waller, Ontario Centre of Innovation

10:35am – Introduction to Second Speaker

  • Introduction: Dr. K.W. Michael Siu, Vice-President, Research and Innovation, University of Windsor

10:45am – Second Speaker

  • Speaker: Joris Myny, Senior Vice President, Digital Industries, Siemens Canada

What Industrial Innovators are Accomplishing Today

The manufacturing sector is facing urgent, rapidly changing challenges that have been accelerated by the global pandemic. Digitalization and automation are essential to meet these challenges. In this 45-minute session, you will hear Joris Myny present cutting-edge technologies that have been implemented by Siemens’ customers in Canada and worldwide.



  • Speakers:
    • Chris LeChien, Valiant TMS
    • Allen Ali, DataRealm
  • Moderator: Jeanine Lassaline-Berglund, CAMM/Automate Canada


  • Speakers:
    • Brian Hendel, Splice Digital
    • Saber Miresmailli, Ecoation
  • Moderator: Aaron Coristine, Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Growers


  • Speakers:
    • Brent McPhail, Brave Control Solutions
    • Eric Parker, Vista Solutions
  • Moderator: Kristina Urquhart, Freelance Journalist


  • Speakers:
    • Nick Dimitrov, AIS
    • Mohammed Belassel, Proto Manufacturing
    • Andrew Good, Jesse Garant Metrology Centre
  • Moderator: Rob Whent, NRC-IRAP


  • Speakers:
    • Amrinder Singh, Lincoln Laser Solutions
    • Jonathon Azzopardi, Laval International
    • Linsey Pecile, Invest WindsorEssex
    • Peter Wawrow, St. Clair College
  • Moderator: Vlad Franjo, NRC-IRAP

12:20pm – Introduction to Keynote Speaker

  • Introduction: Peter Wawrow, Director of Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, St. Clair College

12:30pm – Keynote Speaker

  • Speaker: Jim Beretta, Customer Attraction, The Robot Industry Podcast

Automation’s Golden Age

We are entering a special time in automation. We are entering The Golden Age. The hard work has been completed, or has it? What does the future of industrial automation look like? Jim will take his experiences, interviews, client work and strategy, podcast conversations and distill them into what the next 5 to 10 years will look like in industrial automation and how that will change the way that we manufacture in North America and possibly the world.

1:15pm – Closing Remarks – Conference Partners




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