Gary McNamara, Warden, Essex County and Mayor, Town of Tecumseh
Andrew Dowie, MPP, Windsor-Tecumseh
Vladimir Franjo, Regional Director – Ontario Cross Regional Team, National Research Council Canada – Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC-IRAP)
Shelley Fellows, Chair, Automate Canada
8:30 am
Introduction of opening plenary speakers by Dr. Narayan Kar, Professor, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering and Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Electrified Vehicles; Director, Centre for Hybrid Automotive Research & Green Energy (CHARGE), University of Windsor
Nicole De Long, Director, Business and Client Development, Vineland Research and Innovation Centre: Integrating Automation with Agriculture
9:10 am
Calum Cawley, Product Engineering Manager – Autonomous Vehicle Systems, MacLean Engineering: Automating Dull, Dirty and Dangerous Tasks in Underground Mining
9:40 am
Tradeshow and networking break
10:30 am
Morning breakout sessions:
Artificial Intelligence
Automobility technologies
Intellectual Property Protection for Industrial Automation Solutions
11:30 am
Networking break and buffet lunch
12:00 pm
Dave Ellis, President, FIRST Robotics Canada: FIRST, Changing Your World for the Better!
12:25 pm
Introduction of keynote speaker by Dr. Peter Wawrow, Director, Applied Research & Development, St. Clair College